Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy applies to the information collected from this website ("our Website") and the client portal on our website. We use cookies and other technologies to store data and improve the browsing experience and functionality. Cookies may also be used in emails.

What are Cookies?

A "cookie" is a small data file stored on your web browser that can be retrieved later and can be set by us, our service providers, or third parties.

Types of Cookies Used

Necessary cookies are essential and enable our services to operate securely and reliably. Your browser will accept them by default, although you can set your browser to delete these after each online session or at any time.

Functional cookies personalize the functionality of our website, such as setting preferred language or region settings, and allow the website to remember customizations and help us understand visitor interactions. These cookies collect and report anonymous data through Adobe Experience Cloud and Google Analytics and may be set by us or a third party.

Marketing cookies track your use around the website, creating a profile of your interests to provide a personalized experience and show targeted advertising and content on social channels and third-party websites.

Third-Party Cookies

Third-party cookies help us deliver relevant content, track visits to specific websites, and measure the success of online advertising campaigns. Information captured may include web requests, session IDs, browser types, languages used, and the date and time of visits. Lamarck Group is the ultimate controller of such ads, but you can manage the ads you see by amending your browser settings.

Managing Cookies

You can set your browser's privacy settings to stop advertising cookies from tracking you.

Cookies can be temporary (session cookies) or have a longer duration. Session cookies expire automatically after your visit, while other cookies remain in your browser's cookie file until they expire or are deleted.

Please note that even if you change your cookie settings, your new preferences will take effect immediately, but any data collected before the change may still be used. If you have elected to turn off non-essential cookies, they will also be deactivated.

We assure you that no cookies we set will compromise confidentiality or enable third parties to see information about you.

Cookies and other technologies may be used in emails to understand your interactions. If you have enabled images, cookies may be set to remember this. Clicking on any links in emails may also set cookies.

For more information, please visit